三棱鏡文化(Prism Cultural Connections, PCC,中文簡稱“三棱鏡”)受三棱鏡在陽光下產生七色光譜現象的啟發,希望藉著我們在文化交流方面所付出的努力,產生多元的思想碰撞和祝福社會的多層效應。
About Us
Our name Prism Cultural Connections (PCC) is inspired by a light prism which refracts one ray of light into a colorful cascade of seven main colors. In the same way that a prism demonstrates how one ray of light can be transformed to illuminate something with depth of color, we strive to be the prism that can shed depth of understanding to groups of people who may not yet have experienced the world through the lens of the Christian religion.
We are a group of volunteers who hope to have a cascading effect on others by being a blessing to those who desire to expand their knowledge of different cultural values than their own. We have a strong desire to help communities who may not have had the opportunity to explore other values through different religions by providing people with the opportunity to expand their knowledge about religions practiced in different cultures..
We find that the origin of Christianity in the civilized world today seems to come from what in the Hebrew Bible is referred to as the “Tanakh” (which includes the Torah, book of Prophets, and the Nevi’im), “Talmud”, and “Midrash”. Throughout many generations, these provided the foundation of the Hebrew Bible, which through quality quality quality, have fused to establish the underlying qualities that all cultures based in Christianity have. After living through the Hellenistic and Roman times, this became what we now might refer to as the culture of the “Western World”.
The Eastern world also contributed to the advancement of civilization over time, as represented by the Indian culture in the Heng He region and Chinese culture in the Yellow river region. PCC’s goal is to connect these two cultures that stemmed from different origins together. We provide a platform for research, ideological exploration, and teaching so that people who desire to expand their knowledge of the Western world can do so, finding truth along the way. We hope to bless others with a new and Biblical understanding of what righteousness, love, grace, forgiveness, service, equality, freedom, and respect are.
God said to Abraham, “I will bless you… and you will be a blessing to others, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you”. -Genesis 12:2-3